VIBES, which has been painstakingly designed to educate students to meet Employers expectations, encompasses all spheres of trading and non-trading activities. This ensures that a student who has undergone VIBES will just have to relocate himself from the in-campus offices of manufacturing, trading and service oriented firms, import and export houses, government departments, local bodies, banks etc set up in Sree Sankaracharya Computer Centre, to his work-place, equipped with experience equivalent to his senior colleagues.
The radically innovative, unique curriculum introduced for the first time globally, guarantees not only a thorough knowledge about the intricacies and subtle nuances of accounting procedures, but also offers a deep insight into and real hands-on experience to students in Business Management. VIBES is immensely useful for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn the whole art of successful business operation. This comprehensive learning package takes students through the complex processes involved in accounting and business, right from the commencement of business to its successful operation, by making use of modern management practices and sophisticated technologies. VIBES is an ideal course aimed at moulding a generation of competent Business Professionals.
In tune with the universal reputation that has been showered on Sree Sankaracharya Computer Centre over the past one and a half decade, VIBES and imparted only in Centres of Sree Sankaracharya Computer Centre is bound to evolve as any employers much sought after educational qualification in the years to come.